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Saturday, September 24, 2011

You Just Don't Get It..., Unless...,

..., you read David Michael Green.  Here's a link to the full story..., well worth the read.  I quoted a few snippets from the piece to lure you into clicking on the link.

All the Bad News Fit to Print

Sometimes, when certain species (you know who you are) are too utterly daft to recognize the obvious, the Universe sees fit to scream it out in the form of big, bold block letters.
Let me make it simple, in case anyone wants to share this essay with their idiotic, Republican (pardon the redundancy) cousin Buford: The story of American politics over the last generation is the story of the transfer of wealth from the people to the plutocrats. If you think there is anything else essential going on here, you don’t get it.

Here’s what’s not being said, and not being understood:

That, thirty years ago, the ‘heroic’, venerated, practically deified, Ronald Reagan ushered in the age of plutocratic piracy, artfully hiding it behind any kind of fear that would sufficiently stimulate the amygdala of your garden variety troglodyte enough to hide the real agenda. You know, commies, fags, fur’ners, whatever.

That the folks who had traditionally been advocates for the rest of us who don’t own yachts were now every bit as bought off as those in the more overly corrupted Republican Party.
That regressive policies have, with almost no exception, prevailed in every contest over the last thirty years, especially on questions of political economy.
That we are now where we are, precisely because of regressive economic policies.
That the American public has simply and utterly been downsized over the last thirty years.
That people are sick to death (often quite literally) of a government that is unresponsive to their most basic needs
Rick Perry will be the next president of the United States, you can count on that. ...  And Perry will seek to Texafy the rest of the country as fast as he can. His state is one of the worst in the union on practically every measure of quality of life that there is (except for creating new, low-wage, non-union, no-benefit jobs, that is, and the wholesale murder of poor blacks and Hispanics on death row), and he will run successfully on the basis of his record as governor of Texas.
But the only thing that Obama is serious about is appearing to be serious. This speech was excellent political theater, but substantively as hollow as a Hostess Twinkie. And about as nutritious for the country as well. But hollow well suits a president who capitulates so frequently he’s starting to be known around DC as the Caveman of Pennsylvania Avenue. In any case, he doesn’t care. The whole point of the exercise was to communicate to the American people (read: voters he’ll soon be needing again) that “I care”, and to trap the Republicans into either going along with his plan – which he knows they won’t, so no serious danger to the aristocracy there – or providing him with a nice campaign cudgel (“they don’t care”) to be used between now and November 2012.

Either way, this is likely to be one of the most sickening campaigns ever in modern American history.
In any case, 2013 is when history will get interesting, in a Chinese curse sort of way. The Republicans will own Washington, and will viciously destroy the welfare state and otherwise turn over every bit of national wealth and middle class prosperity to the country’s plutocrats that they can, as fast as they can.
The thing is, though, there’s pretty much nothing that I put past the right in this country. And, if they’re about to head down the toilet because people are starting to catch up to the bankruptcy of their policies, the question becomes what might they do to change the channel before it’s too late? A little racism or gay bashing, maybe? Nope. It wouldn’t be on a grand enough scale for this project. They’ll need something powerful, like a good national security scare or a full-on war, just like the Argentinean regime invaded the Falklands/Malvinas when they were in trouble domestically, and just like Margaret Thatcher responded in kind when she was in trouble domestically herself. Scary, eh?
Meanwhile, the country adopts stupider and stupider policies, turning to more and more idiotic characters, in hopes of salvaging our sinking ship. Iraq, tax cuts for the wealthy, unabated global warming – those sure turned out great, eh? Hey, well then, let’s do even more of that!

Sorry, but nowadays the only thing that makes me feel better about the present is thinking about the future.

Yeah..., maybe the best thing that could happen is to hand over the reins to the Regressives and watch the whole thing come swiftly tumbling down..., as opposed to this slow swoon to the same destination.


  1. I get it.

    Perry will not be president, however. He's too big a fool; and we do not like him all that much here.

    He will pass.

  2. That really caught my attention too Mauberly..., I don't think he meant it literally. I think he was just being facetious..., as in..., the rest of this stuff is so unbelievable and most folks are so clueless about the real issues, that even a Perry presidency is possible. Heck..., the Wee Bush won re-election..., so maybe it isn't so far fetched after all !!!!!

  3. If we're lucky, the whole damn thing comes apart before we have an election. Here's hoping.

  4. I'm with you there Guy..., the powers that be have been playing "extend and pretend", "kick the can down the road"..., whatever you want to call it, for a couple of years now. I don't hold with everything that Karl Denninger says..., but he is right on regarding the fact that the longer they play that game..., the worse the day of true reckoning is going to be. For all of us.
