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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Julie A. Spence

Born      May 8,  1957
           Passed   December 31,  2024

The pain, suffering and misery that has plagued Julie for the last several years due to the insidious progression of the dreadful disease of Multiple Sclerosis is at a merciful end.  With no Hospice services available in the Forks area she din't get to pass on at home on The Ranch as she wished..., but the wonderful Comfort Care folks at the Forks Community Hospital made her transition (and mine) as comfortable and pain free as possible, it was no easy task I assure you.  We owe them an immeasurable debt for their efforts. 

Julie was born on May 8, 1957 in Lewiston,  ID to Maynard W. Anderson (deceased) and Marion Sparks Anderson (deceased).  She spent her formative years growing up in Superior,  MT and her teen years in Orofino,  ID after her parents divorced.
Julie with her friend Dian

 There she married John Faucett (deceased) and they had two children, Jesse J. Faucett of Forks,  WA and Jamie J. Faucett of Forks,  WA.  That marriage ended in divorce.
Julie with Jamie and Jesse

In 1987 Julie and I (Scott R. Spence) started a relationship in Forks,  WA, and three years later we decided that we were ready to exchange vows of until death do we part on August 20,  1990.
Me and Julie with our sheep dog Jennifer

 Julie started working at the Pay & Save Coffee Shop as a dishwasher, and date to her hard work ethic and attention to detail was promoted to the Manager position.  As the spotted owl controversy curtailed logging operation in Forks, I took a job cutting timber in Alaska.
Julie with Jennifer on a big stump in Forks

  A couple of months apart was hard on us both and she put in her notice to quit her job and move to Alaska with me.  It was the adventure of a lifetime, sailing on the Alaska Marine Ferry System up the Inside Passage form Bellingham,  WA to Ketchikan,  AK, and on to Craig,  Ak for the long four hour drive to Labouchere Bay Logging camp, with her daughter Jamie and three big dogs and a very scared Kitty in the back of our little Toyota Tacoma.
A scenic shot from up above camp

Looking down on Lab Bay logging camp
Julie with our little sailboat / kayak

 There was a two or three month winter layoff every year and we would choose a little different drop off point in Canada on the cruise home to explore that country.
Here's a map of the ferry route and the ferries 

 We spent four seasons working up there, but the same environmental concerns curtailed that job in 1994.
Our Great Dane, Kohel with Julie, our friend Butch
 from Minnesota (who "stopped by" for a visit) and
 me with our extremely dirty little Toyota Tacoma.

Upon our return to Forks, we began work on the four acres of undeveloped and overgrown with the noxious Scotch Broom plants property that we had purchased while still employed in Alaska.  We soon began calling our new home The Ranch.  We eventually got a well and septic system and electricity installed, a double wide trailer, a barn, a saddle bar, and a Gar-Port built.
Our horses, Surprise, Jake, and Kasha on The Ranch

 We have housed three horses at one time, and too many dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, and turkeys to count.
Me and Julie in The Saddle Bar(n) and our little puppies

Our dogs are inspecting the new Back Porch

Yeah..., we have had several turkeys

Another turkey and a chicken

To give you an estimation Julie's animal fetish, she had 13 ferrets at one time!

The only thing she was more dedicated to than her animals would be her family who survive her.  Her children Jesse and Jamie mention above, her sister Danni (Bruce) Babin of Missoula,  MT and her nine Hollie (Brian) Timmons of Missoula,  MT.  There are also several aunts, uncles and cousins as well.

Julie will be cremated and at this tragic time we have no plans for any type of ceremony.  Maybe as the shock wears off and the weather improves we may plan a little something.  For now, please do not send flowers or anything of that nature, if you want to help others afflicted with MS you can donate here, I have no doubt that Julie would appreciate that: